I have some info for you on preparing for the upcoming Monarch Season.
Some people express concern about how to find monarch eggs.
It can be tricky. When I started out I had no ideas what I was looking for.
I would wait until I saw little caterpillars and then they woulds disappear.
Darn Spiders!
I then learned about collecting eggs to protect them. The first step is to learn what you are looking for.
Eggs are layed by the female monarch only on milkweed plants usually on the underside of a leaf.
However, I have found eggs on the top of leaves, on stems and even on Flowerbuds!
So, don't forget to look there too.
Eggs are layed by the female monarch only on milkweed plants usually on the underside of a leaf.
However, I have found eggs on the top of leaves, on stems and even on Flowerbuds!
So, don't forget to look there too.
I came across this video on Youtube a while back and it popped up on Facebook recently.
It is a bit long. It was made in 2013 when the population was in jeopardy so it is a bit sad at the beginning
Keep that in mind- the video is 3 years old. you can fast forward to 2:09 to view the info.
The info on how to collect eggs is spot on.
The series is pretty good too. If I can't answer a question for you, maybe Mr. Lund can.
I will post some egg photos on my blog today that you can save to you phone and use as reference.
One of the things that Mr. Lund states in the video is monarch eggs have a 10% chance in the wild to make it to the wing.
This figure, while not wholly inaccurate, is believed by researchers to be closer to 2-3% survival.
He also says in his video that you can find eggs in the wild and take them home, raise them...
My experience the last few summers and talking with many other gardeners, is we have been finding more at home than
out on roadsides and fields. There are many more predators out in the wild.
So if you can plant native mw at home common if you have there room, swamp if you don't.
Plant tropical in pots.
I will be selling milkweed at the Oak Lawn Earth Day event and OL Monarch Fest... more about that later.
If you'd like some seeds, let me know.
Have a great week! enjoy the warm temps this week,
14 days until spring!
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